Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bennie 1 Interleukin -0

Dose number 1 went well this morning.  He started getting chilled then he got some Demerol.  He has been doing great today.  He ate breakfast and lunch and napped in between.  He is already starting to get a little red again, and his heart rate is higher than normal.  All these are normal side effects.  No fever yet today, and it seems to be going alright.  But I learned last time things can change in a second... so we are staying on top of the side effects and watching out for anything to combat as soon as it presents itself.  Dose number 2 will be here in one hour.  Hopefully his side effects aren't too bad... and we can manage the ones he has.  The kids are at PawPaw and JuJus tonight, and I believe they are working on building a tree house.  I cant wait to see them soon, and want to send out a special shout out to the grandparents.  We could not do this as easily if the kids were not completely comfortable.  We have NO worries, and know they are having a nice little vacation from their parents.  We communicate by Facetime and Skype, and are thankful for the current technology that allows us to keep in touch.  Wellll... that is all I have for now, and will give a short update this evening after the next dose. 

Prayers needed for Bennie's side effects to be kept at bay, and a pretty easy week ahead for him!!!!!!!!! 

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